domingo, 8 de enero de 2017


HELLO!!! Now in technology classes we are studying things about plastics and today I am going to explain to you a very interesting thing that Boyan Slat is working on.
First of all, Boyan Slat is a Dutch inventor and entrepreneur who creates technologies to solve societal problems. He was born in 1994, so he is 22-23. He is also the founder and CEO (a chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for taking managerial decisions) of the Ocean Cleanup, whic develops advanced technologies to rid world's oceans of plastics.

The problem of plastics in the world is very big because we use a lot of plastics in our day to day and they pollute a lot. Our oceans are covered of more than 150 tones of plastics and we know how much it is but we don't do nothing to evoid it. We don't do nothing but Boyan Slat does.

(A very interesting video that I've have seen about that:

When Boyan was 15 he decided to start with this project that for me, and for a lot of other persons is very interesting to see how it works. 
They say: Why move through the ocean, if the ocean can move through you?
They have built an artificial coastline in the center of the Garbage Patch. But they have not used any nets because the Ocean Cleanup uses solid screens which catches the floating plastic, but allows see life to pass underneath the barrier with the current, and this is very important!!

Then the plastics will be diverted towards the central collection point and all this thanks to the orientation of the barriers moored to the seabed.          

And then all the plastics are extracted, stored, shiped and recycled. A central collection point extracts and buffers the debris, before being shipped to land. By recycling the debris and selling the semi-finished product directly to B2C companies, they aim to eventually make the operation self-sustainable.

Is the first time that I've heard about Boyan and his project and when I finished reading all about his project I was very impressed about the idea because I think it is a brilliant one and with a lot of future ahead!!! I think that it is a very good way to care about our oceans and I can not think of a better idea. 
If you want to contribute with this project and for more information visit

Almost all the information is from the official web page which is this:
The images are or from the official web page or from images of google.