This 3rd term in technology classes we had been working in electricity and with some things related with it.
There are various ways to produce electrical energy, in order to you check I've had learn this year of technology I'll will explain you some of them. As all we know, we use electrical energy for practically all of our daily activites and is very necessary to know the different ways the energy can be produced. The ways of producing electrical energy are divided into renewable and non-renewable energy, renewable energy is the one that lasts forever and the non-renewable is the one that can not be reused, so it does not last forever.
RENEWABLE ENERGY is the energy obtained from the natural resources; water, sun, wind, etc.
examples of ways of obtaining energy by natural resources:
- Solar energy; it catches the energy of the sun through collector panels. Many houses use solar systems to provide for hot water, cooling and supplement their electricity.
- Wind energy; Air flow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electric power.
- Geothermal energy; Produced from the heat inside the earth. High temperatures are produced continuously inside the earth's crust, the earth heats up the water that produces steam and finally the steam helps to move the turbines.
A very common type of obtaining electrical energy is by fossil fuels.
The good thing is about fossil fuels is:
Unlike many renewable sources of energy, fossil fuels are relatively less expensive to produce. This is probably why it is in higher demand as it tend to cost less.
The bad thing about fossil fuels is:
Fossil fuels are made up mainly of carbon. When they are burned (used) they produce a lot of carbon compounds (carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases) that hurt the environment in many ways. Air, water and land pollution are all consequences of using fossil fuels.
Nowadays people are developing a lot of ways to reduce the pollution caused by the non-renewable energies. One innovation I have found while looking information is that now investigators are developing fuel cell technologies which will led us to transport all type of vehicles only using oxygen and hydrogen and only releasing water and heat. I think it is one of the best innovations I've heard because it is very impressionant to move our vehicles, which people use a lot, with only using oxygen and hydrogen and only releasing water and heat!!!!!
Is very important to reduce the consumption of electrical energy at home because of the amount of money it cost and because is better for we all to reduce energy consumption. Is very easy to reduce the consumption at home, some examples are putting bulbs of low consumption,.....and some examples I'll explain below also show us how to reduce the consumption at home.
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1. Turn down the thermostat, turning your thermostat down by just 1 degree can reduce your energy consumption by over 5%. Is better to turn down your thermostat by just 1 degree because you won't even notice the difference of the temperature in the room and you will reduce the energy consumption, and this is good. It is also important to not heat rooms when you are not using them.
2. Decrease the hot water temperature, your hot water thermostat needn't be higher than 60 degrees centigrade. Any higher and you will only be mixing it with cold water to cool it back down for use.
3. Wash economically, front-loaders washers save considerable amounts of water and energy compared to top-loading washers. Try to only use the washer when you have collected a large amount of clothes, if not try to wash it by hand that you use less water and you do not consume energy.
As a project of this term we went to the workshop to create a solar device. Me and my group; Tomeu Carrió and Maria Fuster did the written Project together and we didn't had any problem but...when we had to start the solar device we didn't knew how to start and we had had a lot of problems. The main problem was of organization, we didn't know how to organize us well and then we recieved the consequencies. Another problem was that we didn't know how to cut the woods in order to be in a perfect size, tomeu has panic to the saws and to all these things so we need help from another person to cut the woods. Finally we had finished the solar device, altough it is not the best, we had worked a lot to do it and we had worked in group very well. It consists of a wodden box of 30*30cm, it is completly painted in black sprite and inside it is covered in aluminium paper and as a lid we used a strange type of plastic.
This year of
technology has been very complete, why do I think that? Well, because
we have done a lot of things, some that I have liked a lot and some I
didn’t like at all, as to be expected, because it is impossible to
do something all students will enjoy because, as I said, we are
students, and there are a lot of us, and each of us has very
different tastes, and remember that there are some students who are
not interested in any type of work! I will give an example, I didn’t
like doing the circuit with the crocodile clips because I think that
it wasn’t important and I don’t like doing this type of things.
However, if I look on the bright side, I learnt how to use a new
programme and how to make electrical circuits with it. On the other
hand, I liked a lot doing the electrical bill study because I think
that while other things we did this year were not important and not
useful for our daily life, the electrical bill is, because this is
something we will have to understand when we are older and when we
will have to pay our own bills. I also learned to identify any
problems with the bill, and to try to find out a solution. I really
enjoyed studying how to analyse an electrical bill. I also liked a lot Kahoot, I think it was very fun to do it during class because of the music that is put while you are thinking the answer and all these things that seemed that we were on a television programme.
I also liked the
freedom that our teacher gave us because we had the necessary period
of time to do the work we had and we could organize ourselves very
well, and this is very important.
(If you click on the image you will directly go to the Kahoot programme).