domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016


Hellooooo, my name is Aina Monroig, I live in a village of Mallorca with my family and I am studying in a high school near to my village. I really like discover new things and investigate all this I am interested about. I also like a lot staying with my friends and with my family. I don't understand nothing of football and I think is for this I hate it. I started this blog because my technology teacher has proposed us to put and explain here our technology tasks and presentations.
By now I have done a presentation about inventions I like. I've done it using powtoon presentations that is a very good programme to work if you want to do presentations or things like this. Is not difficult to use but first yo need to experiment it to know what things are you able to use or not. My presentation is not the best but because is the first I've done using this programme. If you want to see my powtoon presentation, click here:

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