Last month, in a technology class, two students from the UIB (UNIVERSITAT DE LES ILLES BALEARS) came to our high school and explained us a Little bit their experience in the university if it was difficult, if they need to study a lot, etc. But their objective was to introduce us about all this world of engineering.
An engineer is a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or machines, or in any of various branches of engineering: a mechanical engineer; a civil engineer.

They method was making us do a Project with diverse material, like for example: straws, aluminium paper, wood, etc.
We had to put in groups of 4 or 5 and together we had to think and solve the problem to the situation that was that we did'nt have any idea of how to do that. With the material we had to do a mil which's objective was to rise some centimentres from the ground a tea back. The main condition was that the bag had to be raisen by wind energy.
My group that was: Annabella, Marta, Laura, Ivan and me, worked together with any problem, each of us gave ideas to built the structure and finally, thinking, thinking more, and trying things and things we did it! We built the mill and the most important thing!!! That the mil worked with wind energy!
I really enjoyed the activity and I liked a lot listened the experiences of the two students. They explained us the thing very well and we could understand all very quickly.
I think our team worked very well together and for this we got what we wanted!!!
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